
The 'Samantha' Experiment

I am single. I'm in my early 30's. And I'm done with relationships & dating for a while. I don't want anyone to get me wrong, I think dating is fun for the most part, and relationships are great for a lot of people. But there is a big percentage of men and women out there who just aren't that concerned with being in a relationship. They just want to go out, meet someone and have a good time for a night or two and be on their merry little way. Men have been doing this for centuries, and always been revered as "The MAN!" But as with a lot of things that men and women both do, there is that horrible double standard. Women are considered 'sluts' and 'hoes' or they're 'easy' because they aren't monogamous with one man. 

But why?  Why is it SO wrong for a woman to meet a man, perhaps have a drink with them, and go home with them for a night of fun, if they aren't steadily dating someone?

If any of you are familiar with 'Sex & the City', you all know that Samantha was that woman who enjoyed having sex with anyone she wanted! My friends and I often tease about which one of us is which character from the show. I've always been very Carrie. But I've always been a little envious of Samantha's ability to not give a shit what people think of her and fight for what she wanted and believed in! Especially when it came to men and sex.

I've named my first post 'The Samantha Project' simply because, I've decided that I'm changing things up and I'm going to live like Samantha for a while. I'm not sure how long really, but I'm so tired of relationships, the stress of them, the games, the bullshit, the hurt, the pain and the whole fucked up dating process, that I want something new. 

Albert Einstein said "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". That about sums up my dating history, so I'm trying something different!

In this blog, I will share with you my dating life. Like if you were Carrie, Charlotte and Miranda. I will be Samantha and tell you all the juicy details of my new single & fabulous life! 

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