

I went out with a girlfriend a few weeks ago. We went bar hopping. It'd been a long time since I went out as a single woman to the bars with my girl or girls, and we had a great time!

At one of the local bars, I met a man I'll call Rob. He was good looking, younger than I am but not by much, had nice legs (he was wearing shorts) and smelled really nice...a big thing in my book! We all got to chatting and by the time my friend and I headed to the next bar, we had exchanged numbers.

Rob had asked us if we wanted to join him and his friends and go downtown. We declined, but he texted me the next day and asked if I wanted to join him for dinner. At that time, I wanted a relationship, and it had been a while since I went on a date with someone. So I accepted.

We went to a fun little spot downtown that had a great wine list, and awesome food. It had been a really long time since I had a man ask me on a real date! Where he planned it, asked me out and even paid the check (Although I did offer...I don't EVER expect a man to have to pay!!). Our date lasted about 3 or 4 hours. We had a lot to talk about, and he was very easy going. When it ended, I didn't kiss him goodnight, but I felt that it went really well. He had said he'd call or text me the next day. I teased and asked if that was in 'boy' time. He laughed and gave me a hug and we parted ways.

The following day I didn't hear from him. Or the next. On the following day, I decided to text him. After a few text messages I teased and said something to the extent of him saying he'd text or call, but of course he's a man. He laughed and apologized. Said he was a little awkward, and honestly didn't know if I wanted him to. We texted for the better part of a week, almost two before we went out again. This time it was a liquid date.

We met up at a restaurant's bar and shared a bottle of wine. When the check came, I went to put my card down to split it with him. He insisted that he get it. Said that if we went somewhere else I could get it. The bartender laughed and said "Did you hear what he said?! He's assuming you'll go somewhere else now! He's awfully sweet! And cute too!" By that time she was across the bar talking to me. I agreed and said "I know right? He is cute!!" He was so embarrassed, but was a good sport!

We headed to another spot in town that was pretty quiet and had a nice little patio. We ordered a couple drinks and as I tried again to pay, he insisted again that he get it. Then asked if I had a problem with a man who likes to pay. I told him I wasn't going to fight him on it, as I did appreciate that, but that I didn't expect him to pay all the time.

We took our beers and headed to the patio. We sat close and chatted easily about whatever came to mind. He finally looked at me and said "I want to kiss you". We both leaned in and kissed. He was a good kisser! That's something you can't teach! A man can be lousy in bed, but you can always teach him what you like if you have a willing student. But a bad kisser? Hell to the NO! Been there, done that. And ya know what Cher said...'It's in his kiss'. Amen sister!!

After we finished our beers we headed to the parking lot. We both drove separately as we live on two different sides of town. We made it just outside the door when he grabbed a hold of me and kissed me again. He moved his hands up my shirt, around my back, down my sides to my hips underneath my jeans...leaned closer...moved his tongue in my mouth...pulled at my lips. Oh my GOD he was a great kisser!!! Ahh!! He got my heart racing and my blood pumping FOR SURE!!

I really wanted to go home with him. But like I said, at that time I was wanting a relationship, and I wasn't gonna give up the goods on a second date!

We walked to my car. Stopped again....kissed more. I'd actually call it a make-out session! He had 20 hands! But in a great way! He touched me so sweetly and didn't try to go to fast. Well, out in a parking lot anyway! ;) He asked me to come home with him, and I politely declined. I had to work early the next what I told him. While it was true, it wouldn't have deterred me from coming with him if I had the 'Samantha' attitude at that time.

We texted over the next few days. By Friday I wanted to fuck him. In more ways than one! We met up at another bar downtown this time. He was with some friends and asked me to join him. He said that they had all been drinking most of the day (he's in his late 20's remember) and that by me joining them and meeting his pals, this would either make it or break it for us. He said I'd either stay and hang out and we'd get to a fourth date, or I'd leave and never talk to him again. Lol! Ok...I'm game!

His friends were fun to hang out with. I definitely felt old. I look like I'm 21 or 22, but I feel my age at times. I let it go and decided that they didn't know my real age and probably don't care anyway. Rob and I stayed after they left for another beer. We left the bar around 1:30am and went to a nearby pizza place to get some food. We went to my car and he drove us back to his house.

When we got to his place we talked about where we were both at and what we were both looking for. He said he really wasn't looking for a relationship, he was good just to hang out with me on occasion and we do what we wanted. Like I said, at that time I was looking for a relationship...but decided to enjoy the evening with matter what happened in the light of day.

We kissed for a while...he moved his hands up my shirt, down my pants...he touched me everywhere. He took my shirt and bra off...then we moved to his bedroom. I took his shirt off...helped him unbutton his pants...held the erection he had for me in my hands. It was thicker than I was used to. He grabbed a condom and off we went.

He felt really good. He started slowly, but then he seemed to be on a mission. He came pretty fast. I didn't. But that was fine...I was still trying to wrap my head around what was happening and what would happen tomorrow. I had an inner struggle. I had every intent of leaving afterwards, but fell asleep and woke up with the sun.

We were both awake for a while before he moved my hand to his erection. It wasn't a 'morning wood' though. No, this was again for me. I stroked it, felt the pulse. Damn. I wanted to suck it, but decided against it for now. No, not yet. He fucked me again. I rode him and he 'accidentally' came. Again kinda quick, and again...I didn't. 

After an awkward goodbye...I think more on my part than his...I didn't know if I'd ever hear from him again or not, I headed home. I was sexually frustrated now. And asking myself if he was worth being my number 13 or not. I hated that I even thought that! After I cleaned up, I decided I'd go for a drive to a city that's about 2 hours from me. I needed to clear my head.

I kept thinking that was fun! I should be happy with the fact that I'm single and I could do what and who I wanted to! And obviously I wanted to do Rob. And I had!!

I thought long and hard about every 'Sex & the City' episode I've seen (that's all of them!) Samantha always had a great time with whoever she hooked up with and said that sex is power and why should men have all the power? Just because a woman has sex with multiple partners why should she be considered a slut and men be revered?

No. That's fucked up! That's the worst double standard as far as I'm concerned! So on my drive...right then and there, I decided that I would try something new! I am in my 30' the sexual prime of my life, and was really tired of being tied to one man all the time. I'm not ready to settle down. I've never really been a 'single' girl! It's time!!

Hence...the "Samantha Experiment"!!